MSK Survey Module

The MSK survey module was constructed by the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health Surveillance Taskforce and the Global Burden of Disease MSK Expert Group. The results of a survey that piloted the module are soon to be released in a publication led by Dr Damian Hoy, member of the G-MUSC International Coordinating Council.

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The survey module was piloted as part of the Solomon Islands Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) survey. The Global DHS program has conducted the DHS more than 300 times in over 90 countries. The Solomon Islands DHS was coordinated by the Solomon Islands National Statistics Office with assistance from the Pacific Community. The study was funded by the Australian Government, the Government of the Solomon Islands, UNICEF Pacific and the University of Sydney Institute of Bone and Joint Research. You can read this below as background information for the module.

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