
The advocacy efforts undertaken by G-MUSC are at an international, regional and national level.

At an international and regional level G-MUSC has used a focused approach to work with the WHO, UN and World Bank in raising the awareness of MSK conditions. This is undertaken by aligning the needs of individuals with the priorities of the international organization to ensure that they are included in policy development. At the Regional Level, G-MUSC is aligned with and supporting initiatives at the EU and regional WHO level through working with key groups and through the development of initiatives such as G-MUSC Regional Forums. These forums provide an opportunity for a summit of leaders in the Region to consider and agree how to work together nationally and regionally to advance the priority for musculoskeletal health and science.

At a national level, G-MUSC has a strong history of working with leaders within countries across the world to advocate for recognition and investment in MSK conditions at a local level. Each country has its own specific health issues and its individual health policies including where the focus of funding is spent.