ARMA - UK NAN produces Policy Position Paper on Work and MSK Health

Chair of G-MUSC, Tony Woolf, was invited to the launch of the Government’s Green Paper (consultative document) on Work, Disability and Health : Improving Lives. For the first time MSKs are fully included. G-MUSC had the opportunity to comment at this launch and Tony Woolf was able to have firsthand interaction with the Minister for Disability and the Minister for Health. There is also great opportunity for follow up discussion with government through the Health Ministry and Social Security.

This followed on from the work of the UK NAN ARMA (Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance UK) who produced a position paper on Work and Musculoskeletal Health. For the first time musculoskeletal health has been fully included in a consultative document by the UK Government.

Download the PDF file .


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