
The advocacy efforts of GMUSC are at an international, regional and national level.
At an international and regional level GMUSC has made significant progress with the WHO, UN and World Bank in raising the awareness of MSC’s. This has been achieved through GMUSC involvement in a number of initiatives and programmes, particularly with the WHO.
At the Regional Level, GMUSC is aligned with and supporting initiatives at the EU and regional WHO level and with the development of GMUSC Regional Forums. The regional forums provide an opportunity for a summit of leaders in the Region to consider and agree how to work together nationally and regionally to advance the priority for musculoskeletal health and science.
Locally, the National Action Networks (NAN’s) drive the agenda in their own countries. The NAN’s, with the active support and participation of local professional and patient organisations are working to raise awareness for musculoskeletal conditions through the publication of professional and scientific articles and support of local awareness events.